Docker on your switch/router? Yes!

Docker on your switch/router? Yes!

This is the third post about containers in Infix, now it’s time to dive into using containers as “apps” in Infix for custom firewall setups. Infix currently does not natively support setting up firewalls or ACLS, so the approach shown here is useful even for more basic setups. See the first post for a background and networking basics.

Note: this post assumes knowledge and familiarity with the Infix Network Operating System. Ensure you have a network connection to your Infix system and can log in to it using SSH. For help, see the networking documentation.


A clever feature of containers in Linux is that any namespace1 used to “contain” a process can be either unique to the process, a set of processes sharing the same container, or shared between containers. Infix limits this flexibility for containers to:

  1. Fully contained, e.g., unique network namespace, fully isolated
  2. Shared network namespace with the host

The second one is what we’ll focus on in this blog post because it allows us to add functionality to Infix that extends its networking capabilities.

The application in question is an nftables container, again from the curiOS project, that we will use to create basic router setup with NAT2 firewall.

Basic router, single WAN port, LAN ports bridged.

Basic router, single WAN port, LAN ports bridged.


The Infix configuration consists of two parts: networking setup and the container. We start with the networking, we want a single port as our WAN port, connected to the Internet, all the other ports are bridged in a LAN configuration.

admin@infix:/> configure
admin@infix:/config/> set dhcp-client client-if eth0
admin@infix:/config/> edit interface br0
admin@infix:/config/interface/br0/> set ipv4 address prefix-length 24
admin@infix:/config/interface/br0/> end
admin@infix:/config/> set interface eth1 bridge-port bridge br0
admin@infix:/config/> set interface eth2 bridge-port bridge br0
admin@infix:/config/> set interface eth3 bridge-port bridge br0
admin@infix:/config/> leave

Time for the container configuration. This time we don’t need to mark any interfaces as container-network. The key configuration settings are set network host, which tells Infix to share its network namespace with the container, and privileged mode.

admin@infix:/> configure
admin@infix:/config> edit container nftables
admin@infix:/config/container/nftables/> set image docker://
admin@infix:/config/container/nftables/> set network host
admin@infix:/config/container/nftables/> set privileged true
admin@infix:/config/container/nftables/> edit mount nftables.conf
admin@infix:/config/container/nftables/mount/nftables.conf/> set target /etc/nftables.conf
admin@infix:/config/container/nftables/mount/nftables.conf/> text-editor content
... interactive editor starts up where you can paste your rules ...
admin@infix:/config/container/nftables/mount/nftables.conf/> leave
nftables is Linux firewall

nftables is Linux firewall

Notice the command text-editor content, it opens up an interactive text editor where you can paste in the contents of the file /etc/nftables.conf that will be mounted in the container.

The text-editor command base64 encodes the content and stores it in the Infix startup-config, thus ensuring that the configuration of the firewall is retained even when reconfigure the container, or upgrade the container image.

See below for an example nftables.conf to paste in.

The Result

We should now have a running container.

admin@infix:/> show container 
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                      COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS         PORTS       NAMES
aae7178c00f8  /usr/sbin/nft-hel...  56 seconds ago  Up 56 seconds              nftables

This particular container cannot be connected to, like in the previous post, because it is only a plain application container with no embedded shell included. But we can exit to our host’s shell and inspect the kernel netfilter rules:

admin@infix:/> exit
admin@infix:~$ sudo nft list ruleset
table ip filter {
	chain wan {
		icmp type echo-request limit rate 5/second accept

	chain lan {
		icmp type echo-request accept
		ip protocol . th dport vmap { tcp . 22 : accept, tcp . 53 : accept, udp . 53 : accept, udp . 67 : accept }

	chain input {
		type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
		ct state vmap { invalid : drop, established : accept, related : accept }
		iifname vmap { "eth0" : jump wan, "lo" : accept, "br0" : jump lan }

	chain forward {
		type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
		ct state vmap { invalid : drop, established : accept, related : accept }
		iifname "br0" accept
table ip nat {
	chain prerouting {
		type nat hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;

	chain postrouting {
		type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
		ip saddr oif "eth0" masquerade

Here we run the nft program shipped with Infix. It is of course possible to run the nft binary from the container, albeit not as easily:

admin@infix:~$ sudo podman run --network=host --privileged=true --entrypoint=/usr/sbin/nft list ruleset


This is the example firewall configuration referred to above. If your interface names or IP address plan differs, make sure to modify the file to match.

define WAN = eth0
define LAN = br0
define NET =

# Drop all rules to allow reloading this file after edit
flush ruleset

table ip filter {
    chain wan {
        # Accept ping for diagnostics, with rate limit
        icmp type echo-request limit rate 5/second accept

        # allow SSH connections from some well-known internet host
        #ip saddr tcp dport ssh accept

    chain lan {
        icmp type echo-request accept

        # allow DHCP, DNS and SSH from the private network
        ip protocol . th dport vmap {
            tcp . 22 : accept,
            udp . 53 : accept,
            tcp . 53 : accept,
            udp . 67 : accept

    chain input {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;

        # Allow traffic from established and related packets, drop invalid
        ct state vmap {
            established : accept,
            related     : accept,
            invalid     : drop

        # allow loopback traffic, anything else jump to chain for further evaluation
        iifname vmap {
            lo   : accept,
            $WAN : jump wan,
            $LAN : jump lan

        # the rest is dropped by the above policy

    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

        # Allow traffic from established and related packets, drop invalid
        ct state vmap {
            established : accept,
            related     : accept,
            invalid     : drop

        # connections from LAN to the internet or to other intranets are allowed
        iifname $LAN accept

        # the rest is dropped by the above policy

table ip nat {
    chain prerouting {
        type nat hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;

    chain postrouting {
        type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
        ip saddr $NET oif $WAN masquerade

  1. Linux namespaces partition system resources such that one set of processes sees one set of resources, while another set of processes sees a different set of resources. There are many types: mount, user, PID, network, … ↩︎

  2. NAT firewall, in this context an RFC 2636 NAPT, or IP masquerading firewall with filtering of incoming traffic. For more information, see the excellent Wikipedia article on the topic. ↩︎