Infix Testing Architecture

Infix Testing Architecture

Infix comes with a test environment that is intended to provide end-to-end verification of supported features. Generally speaking, this means that one or more DUTs are configured over NETCONF; the resulting network is then black-box tested by injecting and inspecting network traffic at various points.

The test environment is consisted of the following parts:

  • Container Environment
  • Qeneth Virtual Environment
  • Python Virtual Environment
  • Infamy Library
  • 9PM Framework

Each of these modules will be explained separately in the next chapters.

As inputs, the test environment requires:

  • Infix image
  • Test topology
  • Test suites


To run all the existing test cases, it is firstly required to select the right configuration and build the Infix project. After an Infix image is built, it is possible to run test cases in the virtual environment. The test environment is based on Qeneth and other mentioned parts, so the setup and installation of required packages is done automatically.

~/src/infix(main)$ make x86_64_defconfig
~/src/infix(main)$ make
~/src/infix(main)$ make test

Test structure

Test suites contain group of test cases defined inside .yaml file. The structure of the implemented test cases starts with one main yaml file /test/all.yaml which contains list of different test suites and their names. The suites contain multiple test cases separated in a way that they belong to the same YANG model (/test/\<YANGModelName\>/all.yaml).

Test Cases

A test case is an executable, receiving the physical topology as a positional argument, which produces TAP compliant output on its stdout. I.e., it is executed in the following manner:

test-case [OPTS] <physical-topology>

Test cases are typically written in Python, using the Infamy library. Ultimately though, it can be implemented in any language, as long as it matches the calling convention above.


  • Keep overhead to a minimum. Tests should be fast to both write and run. Ideally, the developer should want to add tests early in the development cycle because they instinctively feel that that is the quickest route to arrive at a correct and robust implementation.

  • Both physical and virtual hardware matters. Infix is primarily deployed on physical hardware, so being able to run the test suite on real devices is crucial to guarantee a high quality product. At the same time, there is much value in running the same suite on virtual hardware, as it makes it easy to catch regressions early. It is also much more practical and economical to build large virtual networks than physical ones.

  • Avoid CLI scipting & scraping. Reliably interacting with a DUT over a serial line in a robust way is very hard to get right. Given that we have a proper API (RESTCONF), we should leverage that when testing. Front-ends can be tested by other means.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import random, string

import infamy

with infamy.Test() as test:
    with test.step("Initialize"):
        env = infamy.Env(infamy.std_topology("1x1"))
        target = env.attach("target", "mgmt")

    with test.step("Set new hostname"):
        new = "".join((random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=16)))

        target.put_config_dict("ietf-system", {
            "system": {
                "hostname": new,

    with test.step(f"Verify new hostname ({new})"):
        running = target.get_config_dict("/ietf-system:system")
        assert(running["system"]["hostname"] == new)


The simplicity of using infamy library is represented in the code above. It shows how it is used to set-up the environment and required topology which is predefined. The test case itself has a purpose to change the server’s hostname to a random string value, and it checks that the hostname is successfully updated.

Interactive Usage

Some tests only require a single DUT. These can therefore be run against an Infix image started from make run. When the instance is running, you can open a separate terminal and run make test-run, to run the subset of the test suite that can be mapped to it.

Both test-qeneth and test-run targets have a respective target with a -sh suffix. These can be used to start an interactive session in the reproducible environment, which is usually much easier to work with during a debugging session.

Inside of the reproducible environment, a wrapper for Qeneth is automatically created that will run it from the running network’s directory. E.g., running a plain qeneth status inside a make test-qeneth-sh environment will show the expected status information.

Environment Structure

Containers & Requirements

The entire execution is optionally done inside a standardized container environment, using either podman or docker. This ensures that the software needed to run the test suite is always available, no matter which distribution the user is running on their machine.

Qeneth & Virtual Environment

Using Qeneth, the environment can optionally be started with a virtual topology of DUTs to run the tests on.

Python Environment

To make sure that the expected versions of all Python packages are available, the execution is wrapped inside a venv. This is true for containerized executions, where the container comes with a pre-installed environment, but it can also be sourced from the host system when running outside of the container.


Rather than having each test case come up with its own implementation of how to map topologies, how to push NETCONF data to a device, etc., we provide a library of functions to take care of all that, dubbed “Infamy”. When adding a new test case, ask yourself if any parts of it might belong in Infamy as a generalized component that can be reused by other tests.

Some of the core functions provided by Infamy are:

  • Mapping a logical topology to a physical one
  • Finding and attaching to a device over an Ethernet interface, using NETCONF
  • Pushing/pulling NETCONF data to/from a device
  • Generating TAP compliant output

9PM Framework

To run multiple tests, we employ 9PM. It let’s us define test suites as simple YAML files. Suites can also be hierarchically structured, with a suite being made up of other suites, etc.

It also validates the TAP output, making sure to catch early exits from a case, and produces a nice summary report.

Infix image

An Infix image can be built directly inside Infix project or by downloading a certain release from:

Topology (Physical and Logical)

Imagine that we want to create a test with three DUTs; one acting as a DHCP server, and the other two as DHCP clients - with all three having a management connection to the host PC running the test. In other words, the test requires a logical topology like the one below.

Example Logical Topology

Example Logical Topology

graph "dhcp-client-server" {
    host [
        label="host | { <c1> c1 | <srv> srv | <c2> c2 }",

    server [
        label="{ <mgmt> mgmt } | server | { <c1> c1 | <c2> c2 }",
    client1 [
        label="{ <mgmt> mgmt } | client1 | { <srv> srv }",
    client2 [
        label="{ <mgmt> mgmt } | client2 | { <srv> srv }",

    host:srv -- server:mgmt
    host:c1  -- client1:mgmt
    host:c2  -- client2:mgmt

    server:c1 -- client1:srv;
    server:c2 -- client2:srv;

When running in a virtualized environment, one could simply create a setup that matches the test’s logical topology. But in scenarios when devices are physical systems, connected by real copper cables, this is not possible (unless you have some wicked L1 relay matrix thingy).

Instead, the test implementation does not concern itself with the exact nodes used to run the test, only that the logical topology can be mapped to some subset of the physical topology. In mathematical terms, the physical topology must contain a subgraph that is isomorphic to the logical topology.

Standing on the shoulders of giants (i.e. people with mathematics degrees), we can deploy well-known algorithms to find such subgraphs. Continuing our example, let’s say we want to run our DHCP test on the physical topology below.

Example Physical Topology

Example Physical Topology

graph "quad-ring" {
    host [
        label="host | { <d1a> d1a | <d1b> d1b | <d1c> d1c | <d2a> d2a | <d2b> d2b | <d2c> d2c | <d3a> d3a | <d3b> d3b | <d3c> d3c | <d4a> d4a | <d4b> d4b | <d4c> d4c }",

    dut1 [
        label="{ <e1> e1 | <e2> e2 | <e3> e3 } | dut1 | { <e4> e4 | <e5> e5 }",
    dut2 [
        label="{ <e1> e1 | <e2> e2 | <e3> e3 } | dut2 | { <e4> e4 | <e5> e5 }",
    dut3 [
        label="{ <e1> e1 | <e2> e2 | <e3> e3 } | dut3 | { <e4> e4 | <e5> e5 }",
    dut4 [
        label="{ <e1> e1 | <e2> e2 | <e3> e3 } | dut4 | { <e4> e4 | <e5> e5 }",

    host:d1a -- dut1:e1
    host:d1b -- dut1:e2
    host:d1c -- dut1:e3

    host:d2a -- dut2:e1
    host:d2b -- dut2:e2
    host:d2c -- dut2:e3

    host:d3a -- dut3:e1
    host:d3b -- dut3:e2
    host:d3c -- dut3:e3

    host:d4a -- dut4:e1
    host:d4b -- dut4:e2
    host:d4c -- dut4:e3

    dut1:e5 -- dut2:e4
    dut2:e5 -- dut3:e4
    dut3:e5 -- dut4:e4
    dut4:e5 -- dut1:e4

Our test (in fact, all tests) receives the physical topology as an input parameter, and then maps the desired logical topology onto it, producing a mapping from logical nodes and ports to their physical counterparts.

  "client1": "dut1",
  "client1:mgmt": "dut1:e1",
  "client1:srv": "dut1:e4",
  "client2": "dut3",
  "client2:mgmt": "dut3:e2",
  "client2:srv": "dut3:e5",
  "host": "host",
  "host:c1": "host:d1a",
  "host:c2": "host:d3b",
  "host:srv": "host:d4c",
  "server": "dut4",
  "server:c1": "dut4:e5",
  "server:c2": "dut4:e4",
  "server:mgmt": "dut4:e3"

With this information, the test knows that, in this particular environment, the server should be managed via the port called d4c on the node called host; that the port connected to the server on client1 is e4 on dut1, etc. Thereby separating the implementation of the test from any specific physical setup.

Testcases are not required to use a logical topology; they may choose to accept whatever physical topology its given, and dynamically determine the DUTs to use for testing. As an example, an STP test could accept an arbitrary physical topology, run the STP algorithm on it offline, enable STP on all DUTs, and then verify that the resulting spanning tree matches the expected one.